Saturday 14 January 2012

Carousel horse modelled!

Got around to modelling my horse today, actually spent double the amount of time doing it because Maya decided to crash and then corrupt the files I'ld saved it as before but oh well I think it looks better than what I had the first time round anyway. I wasn't too concerned about detail because this isn't one of those wooden carved carousel horses you find on old Victorian type carousels. This is meant to be kitsch so there isn't as much attention to detail.

I started off scanning in an outline drawing based on an existing carousel horse and putting up an image plane to help me create the shape. I actually ended up changing the legs because I wasn't happy with the ones on the drawing. I'm still not sure if I want to move the legs about a bit so they are not symmetrical though, but then again this may add to the industrial manufacturing sense. I also haven't added the mane as I'm still debating whether to extrude some faces a bit to simulate it then paint it in on the texture, or just paint it straight in.

Also found this image while searching kitsch horse, think I will do something similar with the high shine on my pastel coloured horses.



  1. this is looking great, emma! can't wait to see how you approach the texturing of the whole scene. Its going to look awesome!

  2. This is brilliant ^_^ well done! Going to look AMAZING!

  3. Oh wow!
    I used to paint carousel horses! The legs are usually symetrical, even the old hand carved ones. They used to be paited up as horses but oddly some kids don't like them if they look to real (uncanny effect!) and so they got brighter and more garish as time went by. Sorry for the history lesson!

  4. Ohh that's really interesting Chrissie thanks!
