Saturday, 11 February 2012

New logline ect...

Below is the logline, premise and step outline for my story. I even surprised myself with a title and name for my main character which I was dreading because I do struggle with coming up with them! I especially enjoyed trying to come up with a name for my evil pirate, I played around with negative words and translated then into Latin to see if they because name worthy. My particular favourites were murder: interfeci, corrupt: constupro, ensnare: impedio, kill: neco and destroy: casso or deleo which I settled on for now.

The Concluding Escapade Logline Ect...


  1. A really nice story Emma, I like all the background of Thomas and his wife death and his kids growing up and leaving him all alone to dream about great adventure of being a pirate.

    it reminded me of this song :)

  2. Thanks Lloyd, I'm really happy with it :)
    But how have I not heard this song before now?? lol!
