Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Developed Cell Designs

After some feedback from Phil it was back to the drawing board to try and simplify my cells further to really correspond with the art direction I am following. It was also important to really neaten up the cell forms so they looked more like they came from a graphic design background. I started off attempting this in Photoshop but it soon became clear that I just wasn't achieving the effect I wanted and so knowing that Adobe Illustrator can be a preferred tool for graphic design I attempted some experiments there.

Below are the ones I have produced so far using the blue/purple background as a basis for linking in the colours that feature on the actual cells. This link between colours is an important element in my design because of the solid colour background I need to have which my cells etc. will sit on. This colour cannot clash because it has to make these objects more attractive and noticeable.



  1. These are lovely Em! I like numbers 2, 4, 5 and 8! (: x

  2. for me, it's 5, but with orange as an accent colour for different components inside the cell etc. I think the blue + orange gives you your retro feel - it feels very resolved. I suggest what you now do is produce, using the eye-dropper tool - is make a master colour palette combining your blues and oranges (including white) and use it to establish the rules of your world so far.

  3. Im still a lover of 1 but i do like 2 as its the only colour i can stand with the blue background. The others for me, somewhat get lost within the background :( but I'm loving that you finally happy with your style!! very cut out and bold!
