Monday, 28 January 2013

The Great Adventures of Phileas Fogg!

At the beginning of 'Around the World in 80 Days' Phileas Fogg was laughed at for thinking he could do just this. However, in the end he does achieve that but we never know what's next for him. If we pretended that Phileas Fogg was a real historical figure who was first to travel around the world then alongside other historical figures who have achieved fantastic things during the 19th century he would probably have been celebrated and his achievement made look spectacular.

The publication of 'Around the World in 80 Days' (1872) also corresponds with the start of the world fairs (1951) so it seems suitable that Fogg would have a fair dedicated to his travels so I am going to design a filmic digital set exhibiting and celebrating his journey with elements from each of his stops displayed.


After Phileas Fogg completes his venture around the world he settles back down to his old habits but with a few extra and better ones which his new wife accompanies him with. However, he is soon approached by American entertainer and businessman P.T. Barnum, who is fascinated with his achievement, with the proposal of creating a fantastical museum based on his great adventures around the globe. This is to much delight from Fogg's valet Passepartout who feels it would be an honour for his noble master to share the greatness he achieved. After much persuading by Passepartout and Barnum, Fogg finally accepts.

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