Thursday 28 February 2013

Instancing Part 9: Instances & Paint Effects (Trees)

I've been trying to render this tutorial out properly into a video a few times now but it still isn't doing it right and I have repeated the tutorial at least 3 times now so I'm just gonna post up still images showing it at work for now, I can definitely say I can make random trees in my scenes now though :)



  1. Hi Emma! Not related to the above post...but I keep forgetting to bring it, so here is the name of that book I referenced in my dissertation that might be useful to you.

    Cynthia Carter, Theorizing Culture - an Interdiscilinary Critique after Postmedernism, Edited by Barbara Adam and Stuart Allan

    Bit that I referred to - 'Nuclear family fall-out: postmodern family culture and the media.

    Might help!! :)

  2. Thanks Jackie that's really helpful! :D
