Friday, 5 April 2013

Modelling Update

Just thought I'd pop up some screenshots of some of the modelling I've been doing and to show I've not been hiding :) It's taking quite a while to get the modelling done but I have been UV mapping as I go along and hopefully the more tricky parts are starting to lessen.

I had a little play with deforming my switchback railway shape as I wasn't sure a solid circle was best for it but after I did this it looked too flat so I went back to the original. Which is in keeping with other circular elements of the stand.
Add the archways into the railway was very tricky and took up a lot of my time but it was very worth it in the end.
Another very tricky element but it's all finished up and even connected to the rest of the stand!
I've started modelling the towers of the railway where you can switch between the sides. One of them will show the beginning of the journey (Charing Cross station) while the other is of more oriental theme in the shape of a tea house.


  1. This is looking amazing. You can feel the sheer size of it.

    Just a quick thought, I feel like the globe's smoothness seems slightly out of place in relation to the rest of the complicated structure. Maybe dot some rivets around it to resemble plating, or metal framing?

    Can't wait to see it all textured :)

  2. Thanks Ryan! :D I'll give the rivets a go too thanks for the tip :)

  3. Hey Emma - you're a one woman construction company! Ryan's absolutely right about your globe; and it's an extension of the same logic we discussed in relation to the globe's supporting arc and pivot; you have to remember that all your components are 'built' using the real world principles of the era, as opposed to simply being modelled in Maya (where you never need to worry about how things are absolutely constructed).

    Take a look at this as a possible approach to the construction logic of your giant globe:

    (and remember, detailing your globe in this way is another method of communicating scale to your audience).
