Thursday, 26 September 2013

Minor Project Proposals


  1. Hey Emma :)

    I've been thinking about possible alternatives for 'fascinating environments' for transcription-style digital set projects, that might let you get a bit more creative and speculative in the first instance, and perhaps have a bit more fun in the first instance. I've got this quirky little book at home entitled The Decadent Gardener, which is full of weird and wonderful gardens - including synthetic ones. There is one short section taken from a manifesto written by a futurist artist, Felice Azari - in which he describes an entirely fake, plastic and invented garden filled with bizarre forms and structures. The idea of creating Azari's 'Futurist Garden' as described in his manifesto might be a suitably 'out there' way of developing something completely original! I'll bring the book with me on Monday, but in the meantime, take a look at the futurist art movement and its philosophy - and take a look at the paintings etc. Digital sets deriving from Futurist art and ideas would be fascinating...

  2. Hey Phil thank you so much for the suggestion. I've been flicking through the book you gave me all afternoon reading little sections from the whole thing and finding it all really interesting and inspiring so I'm off to do lots of research! :D
