Saturday 15 March 2014

Somerset House Filming

Last Wednesday I went up to London to film the Edmond J. Safra Courtyard at Somerset House, dragging Shan and an assortment of equipment which I'm sure fellow communtors thought I was barking mad carrying to and fro. Before I get into Wednesday's happenings I must send a BIG thank you to Shan for helping me get the equipment through 4 sets of journeys and helping me set up and pack up!

Like everything filming did not go without some hitch. A stubborn camera dolly not wanting to go where I wanted it to and not staying on the material I had taken to stop it bumping up and down on the stone floor meant that I had to resort to handheld camera work for the majority of filming. I have got a few bits of footage done though some zooming in/out on the tripod as well, but I'm sure there is enough to chop together from the 20mins of footage I did capture. The only other problems were a couple of blasts of strong wind which knocked over my pole markers for some of the footage and the increase of people and pigeons entering the courtyard as time got on. Apart from that I really enjoyed myself :)

Here are some photographs of my set up in the courtyard which I could also use to 'place' my garden in for some final stills.

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